Aquila Outdoor Adventures
Aquila Outdoor Adventures offers navigation courses for all ages and levels of experience. Our courses are designed to help you gain the National Navigation Awards, Outdoor Discovery Awards, Mountain Training Hill Skills and more. Our experienced guides are here to help you learn how to navigate the wilderness with ease and confidence. We believe that everyone can benefit from spending time in nature, and our courses are designed with that in mind. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced outdoorsman, we have something to offer you.
Mountain Training Hill Skills Dates
September 16-17 2024 Mountain Training Hill Skills Course-Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon
October 10-11 2024 Mountain Training Hill Skills Course-Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon
November 11-12 2024 Mountain Training Hill Skills Course-Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon
December 5-6 2024 Mountain Training Hill Skills Course-Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon
January 9-10 2025 Mountain Training Hill Skills Course-Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon
National Navigation Award Scheme
Bronze, Silver, Gold
2-3 September 2024 NNAS Bronze Award, Sidvale Scout Centre, Sidmouth, Devon.
5-6 September 2024 NNAS Silver Award, Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon.
14-15 September 2024 NNAS Bronze Award, Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon.
26-27 September 2024 NNAS Silver Award, Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon.
7-8 October 2024 NNAS Silver Award, Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon.
17-18 October 2024 NNAS Bronze Award, Sidvale Scout Centre, Sidmouth, Devon.
16-17 November 2024 NNAS Bronze Award, Dartmoor Activity Centre, Haytor, Devon.
Course Info
Outdoor Discovery Awards.
The Outdoor Discovery Award or ODA is ideal for people of all ages who wish to learn basic navigation skills at a gentle rate, encouraging them to gain and improve personal confidence to get out and get active. The Awards has been developed to help group leaders introduce the basic elements of navigation to people who want to explore outside.
Previously known as Young Navigator Star Awards (YNSA), the revamped and updated ODA continues with the core ethos of the YNSA: Encouraging exploration and journeying in local areas using simple maps such as street maps, pictorial park maps and orienteering maps.
The ODA levels are aimed at all age groups and abilities.
There is a gradual learning progression via One Star, Two Star and Three Star levels, with certificates and badges available for achieving participants who have undertaken the ODA with a group leader who is registered with NNAS as an accredited ODA Course Provider.
National Navigation Awards
The Bronze National Navigation Award is a practical hands-on award. It is aimed at people with no navigation experience whether you are new to the outdoors or have been relying on others, guidebooks or easy well-defined routes.
It is also the starting point for many Duke of Edinburgh students, scouts and guides and cadet groups who are looking to develop their outdoor skills. NNAS Bronze award is accredited by the Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at Level 4, and 2 SCQF credit points are awarded on completion.
The syllabus of the Bronze National Navigation Award teaches navigation in the countryside using paths tracks and other linear features. Basic map interpretation and compass work is also included.
National Navigation Awards
The Silver National Navigation Award develops the navigation skills acquired at the Bronze level. It adds skills required to navigate to features and places some distance from paths and tracks. It teaches accurate compass work. It will also teach you to select the suitable navigational techniques to cross open country.
Silver National Navigation Award courses are taught in areas with access to open country and involve periods where you’ll be navigating away from paths and tracks.
The NNAS Silver Navigator Award is accredited by the Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at Level 5 and 2 SCQF credit points are awarded on completion.
Mountain Training Hill Skills
Planning – how to successfully plan a hill walk in the UK or Ireland.
Walking skills – what things should you consider while out walking and what can make life easier (pace, nutrition, movement skills etc.).
Clothing and equipment – being suitably dressed and equipped can make the difference between a great day out and a complete disaster.
Weather – how it affects the hills and your day out.
Navigation in the hills – everything from selecting a compass to navigation strategies and an intro to GPS.
Environmental knowledge – how to minimise your impact on the hill and information on good practice and useful organisations.
Hazards and emergency procedures in the hills – how to respond to any hazards you encounter and what to do in an emergency.
During a Hill Skills course, you can expect to start each day at about 9am. The first part of the course is spent indoors, getting to know the other people on the course and gaining an understanding of basic hill walking planning. Your experienced tutor will outline the plans for the course before you head out into the hills. The end of the day will usually involve a short indoor session to review the day and plan the following day's outing.
You can expect to be out walking each day for around 4-5 hours and generally on Hill Skills courses this will be on footpaths or trails that are rough underfoot. Much of the journey during the course will involve learning opportunities and as such, the pace of the day is friendly and will include plenty of breaks.